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Agreements signed in February 2022

start date: 01-02-2022

end date: 01-02-2023

Contract Subject ID Date Publication Date Contract Price Contractor
1 Contract for the execution of works on the repair of the machine room of the building of the Sevan hydropower station AKH-01 2/9/2022 2/15/2022 23 253 798 including VAT "Inteko Energo" CJSC
2 Contract for the execution of works on the repair of the horizontal hall of the underground building of the Sevan hydropower station AKH-02 2/9/2022 2/15/2022 7 166 279  including VAT "Inteko Energo" CJSC
3 Contract for the performance of work on the repair of the machine room of the building of the hydropower plant Argel HPP AKH-03 2/9/2022 2/15/2022 20 649 805 including VAT "T-Construction"CJSC
4 Contract for the performance of works on cleaning the trough of the pressure pipeline of the Arzni HPP hydropower station AKH-04 2/9/2022 2/15/2022 14 075 440 including VAT "T-Construction"CJSC
5 Contract for the performance of works on cleaning the trough of the pressure pipeline, metal structures and stairs of the Yerevan HPP-3 hydro power station AKH-05 2/9/2022 2/15/2022 2 432 930 including VAT  "T-Construction"CJSC
6 Contract for the dismantling, cleaning and installation of MNO No. 2 and No. 4 and associated pipelines of the hydroelectric unit No. 2 of the Sevan hydroelectric power station GB-04 2/24/2022     24.02.2022 6 822 496.86 including VAT "Energanorogum" OJSC
7 Contract for the execution of current repair works of hydro generator No. 5 of the Kanaker hydroelectric power station GB-05 2/24/2022      24.02.2022 27 242 428.41 including VAT "Energanorogum" OJSC
8 Contract for legal services PA-01 2/24/2022     2/28/2022 1 900 000  including VAT "Legal and Finance consulting " LLC
9 Contract for the supply of building materials MP-01 2/28/2022      04.03.2022 ≤ 15 000 including VAT "METALL GROUP" LLC
10 Contract for the supply of building materials MP-02 2/28/2022     04.03.2022 ≤ 15 000 including VAT "OSTINATO" LLC
Signed Contract
Agreements signed in January 2022

start date: 01-01-2022

end date: 01-01-2023

Contract Subject ID Date Publication Date Contract Price Contractor
1 Property insurance contract against all risks No. PY045095 FEI-09 12/30/2021 01/04/2022 58 901 400.00  CJSC "Rosgosstrakh-Armenia"
2 Dismantling, cleaning and installation works of pipelines adjacent to "MJ" CJSC "San" hydroelectric power plant № 1 hydro unit GB-01 1/3/2022 01/05/2022 3 663 771.42  "Energanorogum" OJSC
3 Contract (framework) GB-02 1/17/2022 01/19/2022 45 000 000 not exceeding, including VAT "Energanorogum" OJSC
4 Contract of service provision HS-01 1/20/2022 1/21/2022 5 500 000 without VAT  "KPMG Armenia" OJSC
Signed Contract
Open request for proposals on insurance of property
ID 2-Ապահով-2021-ՄԷԿ

start date: 14-12-2021

end date: 21-12-2021

Open request for proposals will be concluded a contract for the subject of purchase on: insurance of property of “International energy corporation” CJSC (including objects of construction in progress) against all risks and insurance of general civil liability.

Open supply contract
Agreements signed in December 2021

start date: 01-12-2021

end date: 01-12-2022

Contract Subject ID Date Publication Date Contract Price Contractor
1 Contract of sale (rails) AKh-21 11/26/2021 12/02/21 1 470 000 
including VAT
2 Agreement for №1 paid services GB-09/01-Akh 11/29/2021 12/02/2021 1 027 576.8  including VAT "EL-TECH" LLC
3 Contract for the provision of paid services AKh-22 12/6/2021 12/10/2021 5 800 000 including VAT "GEOGRAF" LLC
Signed Contract
Agreements signed in November 2021

start date: 01-11-2021

end date: 01-11-2022

Contract Subject ID Date Publication Date Contract Price Contractor
1 Contract №30 for thrust bearing segments GB-43 11/09/2021 11/10/2021 1 549 600 Russian RUB without VAT "Energozapchast" JSC Cheboksar's Experimental Plant
2 Work contract (framework) GB-44 11/12/2021 11/15/2021 15 000 000 (with VAT) JSC "Energanorogum"
3 Agreement for the execution of repair work of the
derivation channels of Arzni HPP CJSC MEK
AKh-16 11/15/2021 11/15/2021 ≤ 25 000 000 (with VAT) Inteko Energo CJSC
4 Agreement for the execution of repair work of derivation channels No. 1 and 3 of the Hrazdan HPP of MEK CJSC АKh-17 11/15/2021 11/15/2021 ≤ 10 000 000 (with VAT) Inteko Energo CJSC
5 Agreement for the execution of repair work on the
derivation channels of Argel HPP CJSC MEK
АKh-18 11/15/2021 11/15/2021 ≤ 30 000 000 (with VAT) CJSC "T-CONSTRUCTION"
6 Contract for improvement works at the entrance of
AKh-19 11/23/2021 11/24/2021 2 901 458 (including VAT) «T-CONSTRACTION» CJSC
7 Auto parts supply contract AS-06 11/23/2021 11/24/2021 ≤ 10 000 000 (including VAT) I/E  Ara Stepanyan
8 The contract for the performance of works on
asphalting of the territory of the car fleet
AKh-20 11/22/2021 11/24/2021 ≤ 30 000 000 
including VAT
9 Work contract GB-45 11/23/2021 11/24/2021 7 100 000 
including VAT
JSC "Energanorogum"
10 Contract for the manufacture of bolts and nuts for the impeller of the hydraulic unit No. 1 of Argel HPP CJSC IPC GB-46 11/23/2021 11/24/2021 9 600 000, 
including VAT
JSC "Energanorogum"
Signed Contract