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Agreements signed in September2022

start date: 01-09-2022

end date: 01-09-2023

Contract Subject ID Date Publication Date Contract Price Contractor
1 Contract for the execution of finishing works for the machine room of the Hrazdan HPP of IEC CJSC 2022-АKH-20 9/6/2022 08.09.2022 26 241 150 including VAT "T-Construction" CJSC
2 Contract for the performance of works on the repair of buildings of the "Sevan" HPP  of IEC CJSC 2022-АKH-21 9/9/2022 13.09.2022 10 109 776 including VAT "T-Construction" CJSC
3 Contract of Work 2022-АS-08 9/20/2022 27.09.2022 10 000 000 "Hayk Tumanyan" I/E
4 Contract for the replacement of reactor 1250A with reactor 600A of cell No. 18 6kV of Yerevan-1 hydropower station of IEC CJSC 2022-GB-35 9/27/2022 30.09.2022 1 647 638.10 including VAT "Energanorogum" OJSC
5 Contract for the replacement of the 6kV cell of the 5MW generator of the Yerevan-3 hydropower station of IEC CJSC 2022-GB-36 9/27/2022 30.09.2022 3 243 730.89  including VAT "Energanorogum" OJSC
6 Contract for the performance of work on the manufacture and machining of parts for hydropower plants of CJSC "IEC" 2022-GB-37 9/30/2022 07.10.2022 14 660 323.85  including VAT "Energanorogum" OJSC
Signed Contract
Agreements signed in August 2022

start date: 01-08-2022

end date: 01-08-2023

Contract Subject ID Date Publication Date Contract Price Contractor
1 Contract for the performance of works on anti-corrosion painting of pressure pipelines of "Arzni" HPP 2022-АKH-17 8/11/2022 18.08.2022 35 159 650 including VAT "T-Construction" CJSC
2 Contract for the performance of works on anti-corrosion painting of pressure pipelines of "Yerevan-3" HPP  2022-АKH-18 8/11/2022 18.08.2022 8 729 920 including VAT "T-Construction" CJSC
3 Contract for the repair of the underground portal of the hydropower station "Arzni" HPP 2022-АKH-19 8/11/2022 18.08.2022 5 749 496 including VAT "T-Construction" CJSC
Signed Contract
Agreements signed in July 2022

start date: 01-07-2022

end date: 01-07-2023

Contract Subject ID Date Publication Date Contract Price Contractor
1 Contract for the provision of legal services LS-01 7/1/2022 7/1/2022 13 500 000 "INTERNATIONAL LOW GROUP" LLC
2 Contract on the performance of work on the inspection of a lifting well, cleaning, retrofitting and repairing protective nets from stones at a dangerous height in the area of the Arzni hydropower station AKH-16 7/1/2022 04.07.2022 1 845 290 including VAT I/E Mikael Badalyan
3 Contract of sale and buy GH-03-2022 7/8/2022 11.07.2022 1 925 000 including VAT "DG Technology" LLC
4 Contract of supply GB-31-2022 7/8/2022 14.07.2022 5 800 000 including VAT "Bright Ideas" LLC
5 Contract on the performance of work on the installation and mounting of a compressor in the hydropower station of "Yerevan-1"  "IEC" CJSC 2022-GB-33 7/25/2022 26.07.2022 2 692 680.67  including VAT "Energanorogum" OJSC
Signed Contract
Agreements signed in June 2022

start date: 01-06-2022

end date: 01-06-2023

Contract Subject ID Date Publication Date Contract Price Contractor
1 Contract for the provision of services GB-21 6/7/2022 10.06.2022 1 536 300 "PromExpert GROUP" LLC
2 Contract for the performance of work on the replacement of the protection of hydropower unit No.1 of Argel HPP of IEC CJSC GB-16 6/10/2022 14.06.2022 248 274 000 including VAT "T-ELECTRO" CJSC
3 Contract for the execution of work on the replacement of speed accelerators with modern digital ones for hydropower unit No.1 of Arzni HPP GB-17 6/10/2022 14.06.2022 386 214 000   including VAT "T-ELECTRO" CJSC
4 Contract for the performance of work on the replacement of the protection of the hydropower unit No. 1 "Arzni" HPP GB-18 6/10/2022 14.06.2022 248 274 000    including VAT "T-ELECTRO" CJSC
5 Contract for the execution of work on the replacement of the excitation system of the hydrogenerator No. 3 "Arzni" HPP GB-19 6/10/2022 14.06.2022 265 344 000 including VAT "T-ELECTRO" CJSC
6 Contract for the execution of work on the replacement of the excitation system of the hydrogenerator No. 2 "Arzni" HPP GB-20 6/10/2022 14.06.2022 265 344 000  including VAT "T-ELECTRO" CJSC
7 Contract for the supply of petrol and diesel fuel SM-03 6/14/2022 14.06.2022 ≤ 36 000 000 including VAT "FLESH"CJSC
8 Contract for the performance of work on the restoration of the ball valve of the hydropower unit No. 4 "Argel" HPP of IEC CJSC GB-22 6/16/2022 20.06.2022 40 756 567.14  including VAT "Energanorogum" OJSC
9 Contract for the performance of work on the restoration of the ball valve and attached parts of the hydropower unit No. 1 "Arzni" HPP of IEC CJSC GB-23 6/16/2022 20.06.2022 41 983 367.13 including VAT "Energanorogum" OJSC
10 Contract for the execution of works on the current repair of the hydropower unit No. 2 "Yerevan-1" HPP of "IEC" CJSC GB-24 6/16/2022 20.06.2022 24 419 730.64 including VAT "Energanorogum" OJSC
11 Contract for the execution of works on the current repair of the hydropower unit No. 1 "Yerevan-1" HPP of "IEC" CJSC GB-25 6/16/2022 20.06.2022 24 419 730.64 including VAT "Energanorogum" OJSC
12 Contract for the execution of works on the current repair of the hydropower unit No. 1 "Yerevan-3" HPP of "IEC" CJSC GB-26 6/16/2022 20.06.2022 13 366 763.07 including VAT "Energanorogum" OJSC
13 Contract for the performance of work on the restoration of the ball valve and attached parts of the hydropower unit No. 1 "Razdan" HPP of  "IEC" CJSC GB-27 6/16/2022 20.06.2022 18 665 187.43 including VAT "Energanorogum" OJSC
14 Contract for the repair of 2 oil coolers and 8 air coolers of hydropower unit No. 1 "Razdan" HPP of  "IEC" CJSC GB-28 6/16/2022 20.06.2022 9 558 325.03 including VAT "Energanorogum" OJSC
15 Contract for the performance of repair work of the hydropowerc unit No. 5 "Kanaker" HPP of  "IEC" CJSC GB-29 6/16/2022 20.06.2022 21 966 326.41 including VAT "Energanorogum" OJSC
16 Contract on the performance of work on the supply and installation of flow meters GB-30 6/28/2022 28.06.2022 18 090 000  including VAT "LOCATOR" CJSC
Signed Contract
Open request for MEK CJSC replace the hydraulic turbine, hydromechanical, electrical and relay installation
ID 3-ՏՎևՎ-2022-ՄԷԿ

start date: 16-05-2022

end date: 30-05-2022

Open request for MEK CJSC replace the hydraulic turbine, hydromechanical, electrical and relay installation for "IPC" CJSC

Open supply contract