Operation start: 1959
Altitude above the sea level: 1,699 m
Pressure (h) 136.5 m
Installed capacity: 81.6 MW
Turbines: 2 x 40.8 MW
Average annual production: 58.9 GWh
Open diversion canals: 9,055.04 m
Diversion tunnels: 6,372.24 m
Operation regime Irrigation seasons
The “Hrazdan HPP” (formerly Atarbekyan) is the 2nd stage of the Sevan-Hrazdan Cascade. It is located on the left bank of the river Hrazdan.
The water intake of the Hrazdan HPP, which is located near Geghamavan village, serves to direct the flow of water from the Sevan HPP to the diversion of the Hrazdan HPP. A drain valve is also installed in the same place to direct the water to the Hrazdan riverbed, if necessary.
Two Austrian-made hydro units with a nominal capacity of 40.8 MW each are installed in the plant.
The diversion is of mixed type. The estimated consumption makes 70 cubic meters per second, the time of reaching over the riverbed makes 3-3.5 hours. The idle flow rate of the water makes 2.4 cubic meters per second.