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IEC CJSC Open request for proposals for supply of petrol and diesel fuel
ID 1-ԱԴՄ-2024-ՄԷԿ

start date: 15-12-2023

end date: 21-12-2023

IEC CJSC Open request for proposals for supply of petrol and diesel fuel

Open supply contract
Announcement of an open request for proposals for the replacement of hydroturbine, hydromechanical, auxiliary, electrical and relay equipment of IPC CJSC
ID 1-ՏՎևՎ-2023-ՄԷԿ

start date: 13-07-2023

end date: 27-07-2023

Announcement of an open request for proposals for the replacement of hydroturbine, hydromechanical, auxiliary, electrical and relay equipment of IPC CJSC

Open supply contract
Agreements signed in December 2022

start date: 01-12-2022

end date: 01-12-2023

Contract Subject ID Date Publication Date Contract Price Contractor
1 Contract for the supply of gasoline and diesel fuel 2022-SM-04 12/1/2022 05.12.2022 ≤ 54 000 000 (including VAT) "FLESH" CJSC
2 Contract of supply of car's spare parts 2022-АS-10 12/19/2022 23.12.2022 ≤ 10 000 000  "Armen Eghiazaryan" I/E
3 Contract of property insurance  against all risks 2022-SB-03 12/26/2022 28.12.2022 45 706 430 "Rosgosstrakh-Armenia" ICJSC
4 Contract for the provision of accounting outsourcing services 2022-HS-02 12/30/2022 10.01.2023 237 600 000 including VAT "PHP Partners" CJSC
Signed Contract
Open request for Provision of outsourcing services for accounting
ID 5-ՈՖ-2022-ՄԷԿ

start date: 09-11-2022

end date: 23-11-2022

International energy corporation CJSC announces an Open request for proposals on Provision of outsourcing services for accounting.

Open supply contract
Agreements signed in November 2022

start date: 01-11-2022

end date: 01-11-2023

Contract Subject ID Date Publication Date Contract Price Contractor
1 Work agreement 2022-GB-38 11/1/2022 03.11.2022 17 504 608.8    including VAT "Energanorogum" OJSC
2 Contract for the repair of 2 oil and 8 air coolers of the hydropower unit No. 2 of the Hrazdan hydropower station of IPC CJSC 2022-GB-39 11/4/2022 09.11.2022 9 558 325.03  including VAT "Energanorogum" OJSC
3 Contract for the performance of work on the replacement of metal windows in the machine room of the Hrazdan hydropower station of IPC CJSC 2022-АKH-27 11/8/2022 11.11.2022 6 359 006 including VAT "T-Construction" CJSC
4 Contract for the provision of paid services IPC CJSC 2022-AKH-28 11/10/2022 15.11.2022 4 065 600  including VAT "SHINSERTIFIKAT" LLC
5 Contract for the supply of outerwear 2022-MP-05 11/14/2022 16.11.2022 14 426 400 including VAT "TOSP GROUP" LLC
6 Oil supply contract 2022-MP-06 11/28/2022 02.12.2022 39 908 408 including VAT "Autofan AC" LLC
7 Contract for the provision of paid services 2022-GB-41 11/25/2022 02.12.2022 12.717,80 EUR Voith Hydro GmbH & Co. KG
Signed Contract