Kotayk Region. Akhpara Reservoir.


Artanish mountain and Sevan lake, Gegharkunik region

© PAN Photo / Karo Sahakyan

Kotayk Region. Hrazdan River.


Kotayk Region. Akhpara Reservoir and 220/110kV ODE of Hrazdan HPP


Yerevan. Central Office Building of IPC CJSC


Kotayk Region. Entrance to Arzni HPP.


Gegharkunik Region. Open distribution equipment of Sevan HPP.

More than 71 billion kWh of electricity generated
Enlightening our country for more than 85 years
Total length of derivation system - more than 65 km
Derivation tunnels' length - 34.8km, open derivation channels' length - 30.7 km
The largest cascade of hydropower plants in Armenia
Available installed capacity of 540 MW

Our mission

The mission of the International Power Corporation is to strengthen its role in the country's power system as a sustainable, reliable producer of renewable energy.

Our Goals

Our goal is to introduce the highest international standards of quality management, environmental and occupational safety in a short period of time, to achieve high efficiency of water resources and production efficiency, at the same time ensuring the increase in electricity production.

Our values

Our values are aimed at incorporating the interests of various stakeholders in the field of our activity, and, as a result, effectively satisfying these common interests. The trust of our shareholders and partners is based on our responsible approach to the issues of high importance for the country.

International Power Corporation

International Power Corporation CJSC operates the assets of the Sevan-Hrazdan Cascade. The Company, registered in May 2003, was acquired in 2020 by "Hrazdan Energy Company (HrazJEK)" OJSC, which is part of the Tashir group of companies. This deal opened new prospects for the Company, taking into account the active participation of the Tashir group of companies in the energy system of Armenia, its experience of effective management of large strategic enterprises, human and financial potential.

The above factors create serious preconditions for the implementation of large-scale investment programs aimed at the necessary re-equipment of the assets of International Power Corporation CJSC in order to modernize the assets of the Cascade, improve the reliability and efficiency of electricity production. In this process the International Power Corporation CJSC will be guided by the highest international standards in the field of quality assurance, labor safety and environmental protection.


Production by stations

Sevan HPP
Hrazdan HPP
Argel HPP
Arzni HPP
Qanaqer HPP
Yerevan-1 HPP
Yerevan-3 HPP

Useful delivery

Historical production volumes

Sevan-Hrazdan Cascade

Sevan Hrazdan Irrigation-Energy Complex consists of a cascade of 7 hydroelectric power plants and 17 canals irrigating the Ararat Valley. The construction of the Cascade to utilize the energy potential of the water released from Lake Sevan for the irrigation of the Ararat Valley started in 1930 with the construction of the Kanaker HPP, the first hydraulic unit of which was put into operation in 1936. The construction lasted for 32 years, ending with the launch of the Yerevan-1 HPP. The Cascade hydropower plants use the waters of Sevan lake and tributaries of the Hrazdan River.

The Sevan-Hrazdan Cascade is the largest in Armenia with a total installed capacity of 561.4 MW. With this capacity, the annual production of electricity in 1957-1963 exceeded 2,000 GWh per year, and in 1993, during the energy crisis in Armenia, totalled to about 2,800 GWh. The energy of the Sevan Hrazdan Cascade satisfied about 90% of the Republic's demand by the end of 1950. Since 1978, the flow of water from Sevan lake for energy generation purposes had stopped to prevent further decrease of the level of the lake. Later, with the operation of the Arpa-Sevan tunnel in 1981, the level of Lake Seana began to rise, but since then the Sevan-Hrazdan Cascade derivation system operates with the priority of irrigation for agricultural needs.

The two HPPs of Sevan-Hrazdan Cascade, Sevan HPP and Hrazdan HPP, operate only with the energy of water released from Sevan lake during the irrigation seasons. The rest of the HPPs operate throughout the year, except for the smallest station, Yerevan-3 HPP, which operates during the non-irrigation seasons. The three HPPs of the Cascade: Kanaker HPP, Yerevan-1 and Yerevan-3 HPPs are located in Yerevan, the rest are located along the Hrazdan River between the Sevan lake and Yerevan.

The Cascade derivation system is 65.5 km long, of which 30.7 km are concrete open channels and 34.8 km are tunnels. Argel HPP, the third stage of the cascade, is the largest in Armenia with its installed capacity of 224 MW.

Sevan HPP is the only underground HPP in Armenia, and Arzni HPP is the only rock-cut HPP.

The Sevan-Hrazdan Cascade is essential for the whole energy system of Armenia. Given the age of the cascade equipment and the lack of large-scale full repairs, the power plants of the Cascade need thorough rehabilitation. The Tashir group of companies ahs set ambitious goals to undertake this task with the partnership of large international organizations.

Sevan lake International Power Corporation Sevan - Hrazdan Cascad Total length of derivation tunnels 31,2 km Total length of derivation canals 29,4 km Yerevan Hrazdan River Hrazdan River Hrazdan River Akhpara Reservoirs Kotayk Aragatsotn Gegharkunik Armavir Ararat Yerevan-3 HPP 7 7. Yerevan-3 HPP Construction year: 1960 Turbines: 1 x 5MW Installed / available capacity: 5MW Annual production: 4.3GWh (0.8% of overall) Designed water flow:16.6m 3 /sec h = 37m Operation: onli in non irrigation seasons Yerevan-1 HPP 6 6. Yerevan-1 HPP Construction year: 1962 Turbines: 2 x 22MW Installed / available capacity: 44MW Annual production: 41.3GWh (8.1% of overall) Designed water flow: 60m 3 /sec h = 87m Operation: whole year Kanaker HPP 5 5. Kanaker HPP Construction year: 1936 Turbines: 4 x 12.5MW + 2 x 26MW Installed / available capacity: 102MW / 99.2MW Annual production: 104.6GWh (20.5% of overall) Designed water flow: 60m 3 /sec h = 169m Operation: whole year Arzni HPP 4 4. Arzni HPP Construction year: 1956 Turbines: 3 x 23․52>MW Installed / available capacity: 70.56MW Annual production: 69.8GWh (13.7% of overall) Designed water flow: 70m 3 /sec h = 118m Operation: whole year Argel HPP 3 3. Argel HPP Construction year: 1959 Turbines: 4 x 56MW Installed / available capacity: 224MW Annual production: 210.6GWh (41.2% of overall) Designed water flow: 70m 3/sec h = 285m Operation: whole year Hrazdan HPP 2 2. Hrazdan HPP Construction year: 1959 Turbines: 2 x 40.8MW Installed / available capacity: 81․6MW Annual production: 58.9GWh (11․5% of overall) Designed water flow: 65m 3/sec h = 137m Operation: only during irrigation seasons Sevan HPP 1 1. Sevan HPP Construction year: 1949 Turbines: 2 x 16․96 MW Installed / available capacity` 33.92 MW / 24 MW Annual generation՝ 21.5 GWh (4․2% of overall) Designed water flow: 70m 3 /sec h = 42.5m (designed for h=60.3m) Power house: underground Operation: only during irrigation seasons

Congratulations! In connection with the 70th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Argel Hydroelectric Power Station


Congratulations! In connection with the 70th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Argel Hydroelectric Power Station

An information campaign

Within the framework of the USAID Market Liberalization and Electricity Trade Program, an information campaign was held from May 24 to 27, 2022

IEC CJSC investments in Cascade rehabilitation underway

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Special tactical training in Kanaker HPP

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