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Supply of turbine hood components
ID 14-ՏՎևՎ-2021-ՄԷԿ

start date: 03-02-2021

end date: 17-02-2021

Open RFP for Supply of Upper and Lower Cap Components of Arzni HPP Turbines No. 1-3

Open supply contract
Equipment replacement tender
ID 1-ՏՎևՎ-2021-ՄԷԿ — 13-ՏՎևՎ-2021-ՄԷԿ

start date: 03-02-2021

end date: 17-02-2021

Replacement of hydraulic turbine, hydromechanical, auxiliary, electrotechnical equipment for the needs of ONE CJSC

Open supply contract